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EU-Russia Relations: The Role of Investment Policy

April 14 2010
Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels
Speakers: Fredrik Erixon
Time: 12:45

EU-Russia relations have lately been improving. After years of political turbulence fraught by Russian assertiveness and the Kremlin’s desire to regain global or regional power, there are signs that Russian leadership is warming up to a new approach that is more constructive and aims for deeper integration with world -and European markets through new commercial policy deals. Russia has now signaled it wants to resurrect its application to join the World Trade Organisation. Moreover, it has showed an interest to push forward belated negotiations with the EU, commencing with a new "Partnership for Modernization".

In a forthcoming paper, Fredrik Erixon discusses the role of investment policy, especially investment protection in the EU-Russia talks, against the background of defrosting relations. Erixon decomposes trade and investment integration between the two parties, arguing that investment should be a priority in future relations, given that a considerable portion of current and future integration hinges upon investment. Furthermore, Erixon holds that there should be a strong interest from both the EU and Russia to secure better rules for investment protection in a post-crisis context, where the EU action is framed by the Lisbon Treaty. 

You are cordially invited to a lunch seminar on EU-Russia relations. Fredrik Erixon, Director of ECIPE, will present his new paper and discuss the findings with the participants. 

RSVP by October 1 to info@ecipe.org 

Lunch sandwiches and refreshments will be served. 

