ECIPE Conference: Whither Europe-Asia Trade and Economic Relations?
It is said that we live in the Age of Asia. And it is in many ways true. With weak growth in Europe and the U.S., the world economy is increasingly relying on the continental economic awakening in Asia to continue. Yet rapid changes in the world economy, and the structure of world economic power, seldom take place without political friction. Managing a country’s relative economic incline can be as difficult as managing an economy’s relative decline.
What is the future of Europe-Asia trade and economic relations? Will Asia’s economic rise continue without disruption? What economic challenges is Asia facing – and how will policy responses to them affect Europe? And how is Europe responding to the economic and political opportunities and challenges coming from the changing power structure of the world economy?
Please join us for an afternoon conference on current and future developments in Asia’s economies and in Europe-Asia relations. This conference is the first event in ECIPE’s special June programme on EU-Asia trade and economic relations.
Conference programme
14:00 Welcome
14:10 Asia: Shaking or shaping the world economy?
George Magnus, Senior Adviser at UBS and author of Uprising: Will Emerging Markets Shape or Shake the World Economy?
Guy de Jonquières, Senior Fellow, ECIPE
Razeen Sally, Director, ECIPE
15:30 Coffee/tea
15:45 Europe in the Age of Asia
Joao Marques de Almedia, BEPA/European Commission, Adviser to Barroso
Petr Blizkovsky, Director of Economic Affairs, General Secretariat, Council of the European Union
Fredrik Erixon, Director, ECIPE
17:00 End