Modest WTO free trade deal seen better than nothing
Razeen Sally quoted in...
Financial Times: Riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
ECIPE Director Razeen Sally comments the revival of interest in the Doha...
Business drops the Doha ball
ECIPE scholars Fredrik Erixon and Andreas Freytag discuss the role of business in the Doha...
Developing countries and dispute settlement
The European Voice writes about Roderick Abbott's recent ECIPE paper on the WTO dispute-settlement...
Fredrik Erixon on the G-20 meeting
ECIPE Director Fredrik Erixon comments the prospect for revived WTO negotiations in...
Razeen Sally on the Doha Round
Writing in Opinion Asia, ECIPE Director Razeen Sally analyses the problems of the Doha round and the reasons behind its recent...
Fredrik Erixon on foreign aid and development
In the summer issue of Europe's World, ECIPE Director Fredrik Erixon discusses aid and development in view of OECD countries pledges to increase...
Change happens from the bottom up
Razeen Sally in The...