EU-wide digital services tax could make system worse, warns pan-European think-tanks
Matthias Bauer's study discussed by CITY...
“Tax competitiveness in Europe: where do we stand?”
Matthias Bauer's talk at AmCham's tax event on “Tax competitiveness in Europe: where do we...
Expert Round Table: “Online Impact of EU’s Digital Taxation Proposal on European SMEs”
Matthias Bauer talked about the impact of the digital services tax on European...
Corporate Tax Out of Control? EU Tax Protectionism and the Digital Services Tax
Matthias Bauer's presentation on "Corporate Tax Out of Control? EU Tax Protectionism and the Digital Services...
Corporate Tax Out of Control: EU Tax Protectionism and the Digital Services Tax
An ECIPE-EPiCENTER study criticising the idea to impose taxes on digital companies that do business in the...
Productive services with the help of internet technologies
Erik van der Marel writes about productive services with the help of internet technologies on the ADBI's...
Online platforms and the future of European integration: why they deliver on what EU governments fail to achieve
Matthias Bauer writes about online platforms and the future of European...
Bei Steuern handlungsunfähig: Auch Digitalsteuer gescheitert
Matthias Bauer quoted by Kurier (Austria) on the myths and misconceptions in the debate about a tax on digital...
Europe’s Digital Tax Fangs Would Bite More Than Google, Facebook
Matthias Bauer quoted by BloombergTax on Digital Services...
Servicification of Manufacturing and Boosting Productivity through Services Sector Reform in Turkey
Policy Research Working Paper published by the World...