Sweden – From Free Trade to Protectionism?
Sweden has been one of the leading voices for freer trade in the post-war era. Its support for the multilateral trading system has been strong. Today...
Promoting Tokyo as an International Financial Center
Japan’s economic power is widely recognized worldwide—thanks to it being the worlds 2nd largest economy (US$4.3 trillion equivalent GDP in 2006)...
Modal Estimates of Services Barriers
This paper presents improved approaches to measurement of services barriers by using alternative weighting methods and improved econometric...
Le soutien à la production cinématographique française : à qui profite l’exception culturelle?
French cinema benefits from a massive public support: the aids verge on 38% of the unassisted value of the cinematographic production, and the...
A Transatlantic Divide?
The TRIPs plus phenomenon (additional steps to strengthen the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) tends to be...
Intellectual Property Rights, Pharmaceuticals and Foreign Direct Investment
In response to the challenges and opportunities of globalisation, the pharmaceutical sector has evolved to become one of the most dynamic and...
South-South Services Trade
This paper contributes to the debate on the development potential of South-South trade in services. It represents the first attempt to identify key...