U.S. Joins EU With Russia Sanctions After Crimean Secession Vote
Fredrik Erixon comments Westerns sanctions against...
Spluttering engines in old and new economics alike leave global growth at risk
Fredrik Erixon interviewed about the world economy in Global...
Cold War Ghosts Haunt East Europe as Crimea Diplomacy Falters
Fredrik Erixon comments Europe and Russia relations in...
Merkel Eye for Russian Empress Shows Complexity of Putin Tie
Fredrik Erixon comments politics of sanctions in...
Russia, Trade and the Rule of Law
Presentation at the ECIPE conference, January 23, 2014,...
Putin’s Deal with Ukraine
Fredrik Erixon comments in Bloomberg the Kremlin's package of help to...
Yanukovich Rejects Early Vote for Ukraine
Fredrik Erixon comments in the SunSentinel Ukrainian...
UE-Russie: Troubles de voisinage
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on EU-Ukraine-Russia relations in Le Temps (subscription...
Putin Mounts Assault on Ukraine Favoring EU Link Over Russia Tie
Fredrik Erixon comments in Business Week Russia's bullying of...
Russia in the World Trade Organisation – improving the chances of success
Fredrik Erixon discuss Russia's WTO accession in the Baltic Rim Economies Quarterly...