What’s in a name? U.S, EU battle over ‘feta’ in trade talks
Reuters interview Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on geographical indications (GIs) in...
TPP: 合意か漂流か [TPP: Consensus, or drifting apart?]
Nikkei interviews "four global experts" after the July Ministerial on TPP with Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on Europe's...
L’acord de lliure comerç amb els EUA s’encalla i podria retardar-se fins al 2020 [The free trade agreement with the US bogged down, could be delayed until 2020]
ara.cat interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on the state of TTIP talks...
Cover up?
ShareRadio UK interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on, you know, TTIP transparency, lobbying, agriculture and geographical...
After 10 Rounds of TTIP Negotiations, Much Work Remains To Be Done
Fredrik Erixon comments in Euro Insight the last round of TTIP...
HANDELSABKOMMEN TTIP Kritiker im Schulterschluss
Matthias Bauer comments in the Handelsblatt on anti-TTIP groups' campaigns in...
Monday Talk with Fredrik Erixon on TTIP
Fredrik Erixon interviewed by Vocal International Magazine about...
Klicks gegen TTIP – Netzaktivismus als Mittel zur Massenmobilisierung
Matthias Bauer studies online media engagement in the German debate about TTIP in a “Analysen und Argumente” paper by Konrad Adenauer...
Emotionen statt Argumente Hintergründe zu den Protesten gegen TTIP
Matthias Bauer investigates the origins of the Anti-TTIP movement in Germany in “Analysen und Argumente” paper by Konrad Adenauer...
HANDELSABKOMMEN TTIP Kritiker im Schulterschluss
Matthias Bauer on civil society groups Anti-TTIP...