An EU-China Trade Dialogue: A New Policy Framework to Contain Deteriorating Trade Relations
EU-China trade and economic relations have deteriorated. The rhetoric has become tougher on both sides, and the EU has imported the culture of...
That Chinese “juggernaut” – Should Europe Really Worry about its Trade Deficit with China?
China’s exchange-rate policy has been under attack in the last years, especially in the United States. Now the critique of Beijing’s policy is...
Les principes d’organisation des autorités de régulation indépendantes pour les télécommunications
Les autorités de régulation sectorielles, créées au cours des années quatre-vingt-dix dans la plupart des pays du monde, sont des institutions...
Evolution technologique et enjeux de la régulation des télécommunications
Les services de télécommunications sont susceptibles, par leur nature, de subir plusieurs types de défaillances de marché. Or, les changements...
Has Economic Analysis Improved Regulatory Decisions?
In response to the increasing impact of regulation, several governments have introduced economic analysis as a way of trying to improve regulatory...
Antidumping Policy in the EU
The European Union is currently reviewing its policy for trade defence instruments; instruments purported to defend European producers from unfair...
Coping with Trade Liberalisation Adjustments
With the prospect of further trade liberalisation the question for developing and vulnerable countries of how best to manage the adjustment process...
Emerging on the European Policy Radar: The Voluntary Sector
The voluntary sector, also known as “civil society” or the “third sector”, makes an important contribution to nearly every field of social...
Better Regulation in Europe – Current Legal Problems
“Better Regulation” is afoot in Europe. After several transatlantic conflicts over regulatory topics such as the precautionary principle,...