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Pour une analyse économique de la politique cinématographique française...
Private Equity Markets and Regulation: Policy Issues and Lessons from Dutch Institutional Investors
The recent growth of private equity markets – and their visibility in the public eye – has been accompanied by rising public concerns about...
After the WTO Hong Kong Ministerial Meeting: What is at stake?
The WTO Ministerial Meeting in Hong Kong in December 2005 made some progress in advancing the Doha Development Agenda. But much remains to be done,...
Trade Preferences to Small Developing Countries and the Welfare Costs of Lost Multilateral Liberalization
The proliferation of preferential trade liberalization over the last 20 years has raised the question of whether it slows down multilateral trade...
Mobilizing Retired People in Ageing Societies on a Voluntary Basis
The rapidly increasing population of older retired people in Europe, largely financially secure and often in good health, should be recognized as a...
Taking Advantage of the Non-profit Sector’s Potential: Policy Priorities
This brief identifies the main priorities for public policy if European societies are to take advantage of the potential for the non-profit sector to...
FTAs and the Prospects for Regional Integration in Asia
Trade policy in Asia has switched from non-discriminatory unilateral liberalisation, reinforced by GATT/WTO commitments, to discriminatory FTAs....