Nyprotektionistisk våg hotar EU
Svenska Dagbladet writes about Fredrik Erixon's study about the election to the European Parliament (in...
Experten: Populistpartier betraktas inte längre som galenpannor
FPlus interviews Fredrik Erixon about populism and liberalism in Europe (in...
En hård brexit skulle vara katastrofal och resultera i kaos
Fredrik Erixon writes in Sydsvenskan about a hard Brexit and its...
Standing up for competition
Oscar Guinea and Fredrik Erixon write about EU competition policy and the crave for European...
L’Union européenne au bord de la rupture
Fredrik Erixon writes in Courrier International about populism and the upcoming EU...
Right-wing Populists Gaining Seats in Europe
Fredrik Erixon interviews by the Swedish public broadcaster about the European Parliament election (in...
Nuclear war is not around the corner
Fredrik Erixon writes a Delhi Notebook for the...
The Innovation Illusion and hidebound capitalism
Fredrik Erixon talks to the Free Exchange podcast about his book on innovation and...
Det krävs ett mirakel för att undvika en hård Brexit
Fredrik Erixon says in Sydsvenskan (in Swedish) that Britain is heading for a hard...
A populist surge in the May 2019 elections could change the face of the EU forever
Fredrik Erixon writes about the populist surge in the May 2019...