Geneva trade talks on cutting technology product tariffs collapse over China-South Korea spat
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on the Korea-China spat and breakdown of ITA negotiations in South China Morning Post
China in center of another ITA blowup
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama quoted in Politico Pro on the breakdown of ITA negotiations
China’s Marshall Plan
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama in World Politics Review on China’s New Silk Road and infrastructural investments
专家:亚太经济体深化合作将惠及世界 [Expert says deepened cooperation in the Asia-Pacific benefit the world]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments CNC TV news on APEC Beijing summit
ITA talks press ahead, despite hurdles to new tech tariff deal
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments in South China Morning Post of Hong Kong on the WTO ITA deal
Controlling the internet China style
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments on China’s online dissidents in Al Jazeera
Malmstrom: Trade deal needed to maintain Europe’s living standards
EU Observer mistakes Hosuk Lee-Makiyama for Commissioner Malmström
Republicans Vow To Take On Patent Trolls In Next Session
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama comments in Daily Caller on US Congress and patent reforms
Trade deal needed to maintain Europe’s living standards
EU Observer interviews Commissioner Malmström and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Секретные материалы: как «Роснефть» будет оспаривать санкции Евросоюза [Rosneft will challenge EU sanctions]
RBC news agency interviews Hosuk Lee-Makiyama on Rosneft challenging Russia sanctions at ECJ (Russian)