From Compliance to Constraint: How Digital Regulation Impacts Productivity and Innovation in Europe
Fredrik Erixon and Oscar Guinea publish a new article in the latest EconPol Forum by CESifo analysing the EU-US productivity gap.
The US and EU, and the Emerging Supply Chain Network: Politics, Prospects, and Allies
New book by Fredrik Erixon, Niklas Swanström and Mrittika Guha Sarkar looking at the critical role of GSCs in shaping economic landscapes and influencing global trade dynamics.
Fredrik Erixon interview with The Parliament
Julia Kaiser from The Parliament interviews Fredrik Erixon regarding the Enrico Letta's new report on the single market.
Building a competitive Europe
Fredrik Erixon discusses competitiveness and economic reforms at Euractiv debate
Fred oc EU-medlemskap får hand i hand för Ukraina
Fredrik Erixon writes about Ukraine and its bid to join the EU in an essay for TN (in Swedish)
Why Sanna Marin lost Finland’s election
Fredrik Erixon writes in the Spectator about the Finnish election and why Sanna Marin lost
Det här går inte!
Fredrik Erixon writes about industrial policy protectionism in an essay for Axess magazine (in Swedish)
Hotet om handelskrig som Europa måste tackla
Fredrik Erixon discusses EU-US trade frictions in Swedish public radio
Will the real Emmanuel Macron please stand up!?
Fredrik Erixon interviewed by Politico about Macron's view on trade.
The Geopolitics of Technology
Fredrik Erixon interviewed in Euractiv podcast about the new geopolitics of technology.