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Guy de Jonquières

Email: [email protected]

Office: + 44 (0)20 7485 9903 Mobile: + 44 (0) 7988 237433

Guy de Jonquières

Guy de Jonquières is a Senior Fellow at ECIPE. His current interests and research focus particularly on international economic policy and Asias political economy. He was previously a journalist with The Financial Times, where he spent much of his career working, living and travelling extensively in North America, Europe and Asia. He served in Paris, Washington, New York, Saigon, Brussels and Hong Kong as well as specialist correspondent covering international IT industries. He has also been The Financial Times world trade editor and international business editor.

Guy de Jonquières has extensive radio and television broadcasting experience, principally in the US and in Europe. He is a frequent guest speaker and chairman at conferences. He has participated in events organised by the United Nations, the WTO, the OECD, the Salzburg Global Seminar, the Asian Development Bank, the London School of Economics and the World Economic Forum, as well as by research institutes, business schools and multinational corporations.

In 2001, Guy de Jonquières received the BP/European University Institute prize for essay on transatlantic economic relations, and in 2007 he was awarded as the opinion writer of the year by the Society of Publishers in Asia.

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    China in the Global Economy: Leaping Dragon or Paper Tiger?

    By: Guy de Jonquières 

    By some measures already the world’s biggest economy, China is seeking energetically to flex its muscles abroad by launching grand projects such as the One Belt One Road investment programme and by establishing the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank. However, though its influence is growing in much of Asia, China’s capacity to wield clout at the global level is often overestimated. Furthermore, it is pursuing costly- and possibly risky - international...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    The UK Referendum – and the Future of the European Project

    By: Guy de Jonquières 

    It is on the pocketbook issues that Britain’s Remain campaign has chosen to take its stand. For weeks, it has bombarded the public with warnings and research purporting to show that Brexit would take a toll on economic growth, living standards, public services and even property prices. International institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the World Bank, along with government leaders...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    Xi Jinping’s Long Road to Somewhere? China’s OBOR Initiative and how Europe Should Respond

    By: Guy de Jonquières 

    The true nature and purpose of China’s One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative are subject to much speculation. The one certainty is that OBOR commands powerful high-level Chinese support and is backed by a large investment of political capital. It is no less than the personal signature initiative of President Xi, who has made clear that he regards it as central to his political legitimacy and as the tangible embodiment of his “China Dream” of rejuvenating the...

  • ECIPE Policy Briefs

    The EU and China: Redressing: An Unbalanced Relationship

    By: Guy de Jonquières 

    This paper is based on a presentation to a conference organised by the Hong Kong Baptist University and the European Union Academic...

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