What are the signs of progress in preparing the #UK for greater trade policy freedom outside of #EU membership?…
What are the signs of progress in preparing the #UK for greater trade policy freedom outside of #EU membership?…...
‘Stricter rules on online platforms restrain potential trade, especially for smaller businesses’ writes…
'Stricter rules on online platforms restrain potential trade, especially for smaller businesses' writes…...
📌New Blog on #5G: What we talk about when we talk about trust? The #EU risk assessment process @leemakiyama…
📌New Blog on #5G: What we talk about when we talk about trust? The #EU risk assessment process @leemakiyama…...
7/10 The Reform of Special and Differential Treatment in the #WTO – Is #Trump onto something? ➡️…
7/10 The Reform of Special and Differential Treatment in the #WTO – Is #Trump onto something? ➡️…...
‘For many #developing countries a shift towards #digital #transactions is likely to help boost domestic #tax collec…
'For many #developing countries a shift towards #digital #transactions is likely to help boost domestic #tax collec…...
RT Mona Pinchis-Paulsen @loyaladvisor: Today’s class @ielbp on digital globalisation, looks to work from @leemakiyama @ECIPE on moratorium on customs duti…
RT Mona Pinchis-Paulsen @loyaladvisor: Today's class @ielbp on digital globalisation, looks to work from @leemakiyama @ECIPE on moratorium on customs...
14/10 Seminar on Competitive #Taxation in Europe – New Evidence for EU #Tax Policymakers: ➡️…
14/10 Seminar on Competitive #Taxation in Europe – New Evidence for EU #Tax Policymakers: ➡️…...
RT Erik van der Marel @ErikvanderMarel: How to be successful in trade using digital technologies. Some perspectives for AI. Read on Bruxenomics:…
RT Erik van der Marel @ErikvanderMarel: How to be successful in trade using digital technologies. Some perspectives for AI. Read on Bruxenomics:…...
How do countries in the #EU perform in #digital readiness? How do they position themselves on digital policy reform…
How do countries in the #EU perform in #digital readiness? How do they position themselves on digital policy reform…...
RT Oscar Guinea @osguinea: Why should we discuss the merits of a European Google when many of our SMEs do not even use electronic invoices?…
RT Oscar Guinea @osguinea: Why should we discuss the merits of a European Google when many of our SMEs do not even use electronic invoices?…...