“In this blog post, we argue in favour of open markets as the means to support countries in their fight against COV…
"In this blog post, we argue in favour of open markets as the means to support countries in their fight against COV…...
RT WTO @wto: BREAKING: World trade is expected to fall by between 13% and 32% in 2020 due to the #COVID19 pandemic according to…
RT WTO @wto: BREAKING: World trade is expected to fall by between 13% and 32% in 2020 due to the #COVID19 pandemic according to…...
“Trade restrictions amplify the lack of supplies, lead to loss of life, reduce levels of international coordination…
"Trade restrictions amplify the lack of supplies, lead to loss of life, reduce levels of international coordination…...
“If policymakers want to be serious about #EUIndustrialStrategy they should put the #SingleMarket in services at th…
"If policymakers want to be serious about #EUIndustrialStrategy they should put the #SingleMarket in services at th…...
RT Trade Policy IMEF @AnalyticsIMEF: The heads of the @WTO and #WorldCustomsOrganization (WCO) issued a #jointstatement on 6 April pledging to work toge…
RT Trade Policy IMEF @AnalyticsIMEF: The heads of the @WTO and #WorldCustomsOrganization (WCO) issued a #jointstatement on 6 April pledging to work...
🎧 “Germany is more concerned about America under #Trump than with China – but still sees hope for global economic c…
🎧 "Germany is more concerned about America under #Trump than with China – but still sees hope for global economic c…...
RT Marilou Denis @marilou_denis: Interesting analysis by @ECIPE @osguinea & @ErikvanderMarel on potential acceleration of companies #digitalization…
RT Marilou Denis @marilou_denis: Interesting analysis by @ECIPE @osguinea & @ErikvanderMarel on potential acceleration of companies...
🎧New Podcast episode: Why is Europe’s Centre-right dying? ➡️ @FredrikErixon @DaliborRohac…
🎧New Podcast episode: Why is Europe's Centre-right dying? ➡️ @FredrikErixon @DaliborRohac…...
“In our view, the current pandemic will accelerate the process of #digitalization that was already underway in the…
"In our view, the current pandemic will accelerate the process of #digitalization that was already underway in the…...
#Trade policy and #COVID-19: Openness and cooperation in times of a pandemic ➡️ @koenberden…
#Trade policy and #COVID-19: Openness and cooperation in times of a pandemic ➡️ @koenberden…...