EU Mobility Package risks becoming a roadblock to post-crisis recovery @clotilde_armand
EU Mobility Package risks becoming a roadblock to post-crisis recovery @clotilde_armand...
📅 Tomorrow: Webinar: #EUTrade Policy for a Post-COVID World @TradeExperettes 💻 ⏰ 4:00 PM C…
📅 Tomorrow: Webinar: #EUTrade Policy for a Post-COVID World @TradeExperettes 💻 ⏰ 4:00 PM C…...
RT Inu Manak @inumanak: We reached capacity for registration in just 3 days–a big thanks to the 500 people who have already signed up! Bu…
RT Inu Manak @inumanak: We reached capacity for registration in just 3 days--a big thanks to the 500 people who have already signed up! Bu…...
📌 Three challenges for the new #EUtrade Commissioner ➡️ @IacopoMonterosa @P_Lamprecht 1.…
📌 Three challenges for the new #EUtrade Commissioner ➡️ @IacopoMonterosa @P_Lamprecht 1.…...
📖 “Covid and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of 🇪🇺 #digital transformation to ensure Europ…
📖 "Covid and its broader implications have highlighted the importance of 🇪🇺 #digital transformation to ensure Europ…...
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: The technology sovereignty debate shouldn’t make Europe more protectionist, we need to keep Europe open, says VP…
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: The technology sovereignty debate shouldn’t make Europe more protectionist, we need to keep Europe open, says...
RT KarinaStan @_Kaari_N: @AxelVossMdEP is calling for a “fact-based discussion” on the future Digital Services Act during @ECIPE debate on #tech sovereignty.
RT KarinaStan @_Kaari_N: @AxelVossMdEP is calling for a "fact-based discussion" on the future Digital Services Act during @ECIPE debate on #tech...
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: Can you think of any EU tech giants who will be attacked by this [new EU ex ante] regulation? Excluding certain com…
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: Can you think of any EU tech giants who will be attacked by this regulation? Excluding certain com…...
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: EP VP @charanzova warns against artificial attempts to create European tech champions. Failed attempts proved costl…
RT Christian Borggreen @Borggreen: EP VP @charanzova warns against artificial attempts to create European tech champions. Failed attempts proved...
RT souveraineté technologique @SouveraineTech: “We need to complete our single market. Let’s go for the real single market. This is the way forward that we can cr…
RT souveraineté technologique @SouveraineTech: "We need to complete our single market. Let's go for the real single market. This is the way forward...