🎧 #Protectionism before, during, and after #Coronavirus ➡️ @SimonEvenett @FredrikErixon…
🎧 #Protectionism before, during, and after #Coronavirus ➡️ @SimonEvenett @FredrikErixon…...
Estimated number of 🇵🇱 (4,574), 🇱🇹 (519) & 🇷🇴 (1,864) companies affected by #MobilityPackage regulations is substan…
Estimated number of 🇵🇱 (4,574), 🇱🇹 (519) & 🇷🇴 (1,864) companies affected by #MobilityPackage regulations is substan…...
RT MovingEU @MovingEU: 570 thousand unloaded trucks will be returning home navigating 780 million empty km & wasting 188 million litres of…
RT MovingEU @MovingEU: 570 thousand unloaded trucks will be returning home navigating 780 million empty km & wasting 188 million litres of…...
RT Trans.INFO Global @TransINFOglobal: German company was caught on illegal cabotage
RT Trans.INFO Global @TransINFOglobal: German company was caught on illegal cabotage...
Proposed #MobilityPackage restrictions on the #freedom to #transport would shrink actual #cabotage operations by 30…
Proposed #MobilityPackage restrictions on the #freedom to #transport would shrink actual #cabotage operations by 30…...
Additional CO2 emissions resulting from #MobilityPackage would amount to about 4 million tonnes = the annual CO2 em…
Additional CO2 emissions resulting from #MobilityPackage would amount to about 4 million tonnes = the annual CO2 em…...
RT Romania in the EU 🇷🇴 @romaniaineu: Transports & foreign affairs ministers from 9 EU countries 🇧🇬🇨🇾🇪🇪🇭🇺🇱🇻🇱🇹🇲🇹🇵🇱🇷🇴 invite members of the @Europarl_EN, t…
RT Romania in the EU 🇷🇴 @romaniaineu: Transports & foreign affairs ministers from 9 EU countries...
RT Paul Adamson @AdamsonPaul: “Global trade policy, as opposed to global trade, is in a mess”: @DavidHenigUK @ECIPE @EncompassEurope
RT Paul Adamson @AdamsonPaul: "Global trade policy, as opposed to global trade, is in a mess": @DavidHenigUK @ECIPE...
📣’ It is also clear that the EU is the demandeur of a bilateral investment deal, for which the Chinese side, unders…
📣' It is also clear that the EU is the demandeur of a bilateral investment deal, for which the Chinese side, unders…...
📣 ECIPE Webinar The #MobilityPackage 1 Proposals – Unfit for the #SingleMarket? 🚛 🚧 🚚 📆 Thursday, 2 July ⏰ 3pm CET…
📣 ECIPE Webinar The #MobilityPackage 1 Proposals – Unfit for the #SingleMarket? 🚛 🚧 🚚 📆 Thursday, 2 July ⏰ 3pm CET…...