Our #2 publication of this series “Global Trade Today is Global Value Chains” by @DavidHenigUK 📄Read publication…
Our #2 publication of this series "Global Trade Today is Global Value Chains" by @DavidHenigUK 📄Read publication…...
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @KarlWennberg1 discuss about #industrial #policy and #innovation. 🎧Listen to the episo…
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @KarlWennberg1 discuss about #industrial #policy and #innovation. 🎧Listen to the episo…...
5️⃣Basic #Facts about #Global Trade by @DavidHenigUK 📄Read more ➡️ #NewGlobalisation…
5️⃣Basic #Facts about #Global Trade by @DavidHenigUK 📄Read more ➡️ #NewGlobalisation…...
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @HennaVirkkunen talk about #digitalisation in #Europe 🎧Listen to the podcast➡️…
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @HennaVirkkunen talk about #digitalisation in #Europe 🎧Listen to the podcast➡️…...
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon talks to @christianbluth about the future of #EU #TradePolicy strategy. 🎧Listen to the epi…
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon talks to @christianbluth about the future of #EU #TradePolicy strategy. 🎧Listen to the epi…...
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @ErikvanderMarel talk about #data, #regulations and #NewGlobalisation 🎧Listen to the p…
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @ErikvanderMarel talk about #data, #regulations and #NewGlobalisation 🎧Listen to the p…...
RT Nigel Cory @nigelcory: .@DavidHenigUK & @AnnaGuildea @ECIPE make a simple, clear point: services trade is rarely taken as seriously as goo…
RT Nigel Cory @nigelcory: .@DavidHenigUK & @AnnaGuildea @ECIPE make a simple, clear point: services trade is rarely taken as seriously as goo…...
🧐We have looked back to know which are the blogs that you have read the most this year. 🏆We are delighted to prese…
🧐We have looked back to know which are the blogs that you have read the most this year. 🏆We are delighted to prese…...
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @JMchangama discuss about online #FreedomOfSpeech and #regulation 🎧Listen to the podca…
PODCAST. @FredrikErixon and @JMchangama discuss about online #FreedomOfSpeech and #regulation 🎧Listen to the podca…...
Did you miss our conversation on on how can we revive @wto and #trade #multilateralism with @ErikvanderMarel and…
Did you miss our conversation on on how can we revive @wto and #trade #multilateralism with @ErikvanderMarel and…...