Episode 72: A Post-Pandemic Greece and Europe with Alex Patelis
Ten years ago, Greece was at the centre of various Eurozone crises and went through a really turbulent time – in its economy, its politics and of course its broader society. What has happened after...
Rebalancing the Eurozone: The Role of Northern Fiscal Policy
By Jasper De Meyer (Intern at ECIPE) The Eurozone crisis muddles forth. Growth will be stagnant or even decline in 2012. Employment prospects remain bleak as unemployment rose by 2.6 million in the...
The New Eurozone Deal – Not a Game Changer
After they have exhausted all the alternatives, Eurozone leaders have finally done the right thing. Finally other countries stood up against German economic oppression, and the German austerity queen...
Competitiveness and Market Adjustment in the Eurozone
There are several factors that explain the current Eurozone crisis. One of them – arguably the key factor – is the sharp difference between economies inside the Eurozone and the different...