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ECIPE Webinar: What Digital Futures for Europe? Mapping Scenarios for Digital Ecosystems and Entrepreneurship

April 08 2021
Venue: ZOOM Webinar
Speakers: Meelis Kitsing
Time: 14:00

Digital success or failure - or something in between? How can Europe shape its digital future?

Europe needs to increase the space for experimentation and entrepreneurship in the digital economy, argues Meelis Kitsing in a new paper for ECIPE. Europe’s digital future depends crucially on the policies that we adopt – and rather than banging on about big American platforms, Europe should learn from their success and use that for the next phase of the digital economy. Kitsing outlines different scenarios for Europe’s digital futures and consider what they would entail for business growth in Europe and what influence the EU would have on the global stage. 

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Professor Meelis Kitsing, Rector of Estonia Business School and author of The Political Economy of Digital Ecosystems: Scenario Planning for Alternative Futures (Routledge, forthcoming)