The Five Freedoms Project’s Seminar – Competition, Growth and Technological Diffusion in Europe’s Digital Economy: What is Europe’s Problem?
Europe’s digital economy can grow faster and generate a far bigger contribution to growth in Europe’s economy.
Compared with other advanced economic regions of the world, the expansion of Europe’s economy – while varied across the EU – has been slow and does no raise productivity as much as it has done in, for instance, Korea and the United States. What is holding back the growth of the digital economy? While there recently has been a focus on structures of competition in the digital economy, it looks like there are significant policy barriers to digital growth. What are these barriers – and how can they be knocked down?
10:00 Welcome
10:05 Panel Discussion
Matthias Bauer, Senior Economist, ECIPE
Zilvinas Silenas, President, Lithuanian Free Market Institute
Diego Zuluaga, Institute of Economic Affairs & EPICENTER
12: 00 End