Conference: Stepping into Asia’s Growing Markets
With Asia’s rise in the world economy commercial ties between Asia and the EU have dramatically increased over the last decades. The EU has launched a new strategy towards Asia focused on gaining better access to Asian markets and promoting its commercial interests. ECIPE’s conference is a first stock-taking of the EU’s policy trends and discussions on how to best move forward in the near future.
With Asia’s rise in the world economy commercial ties between Asia and the EU have dramatically increased over the last decades. Sophisticated supply chains in manufacturing and services span across continents and make both regions increasingly interdependent. In this context, new opportunities emerge for investment and trade. These can be leveraged to give a new boost to Europe’s competitiveness. Demand for continued integration from the business community is strong, but many obstacles remain. These run deep and include tariff, regulatory and political barriers.
The EU has launched a new strategy towards Asia. It is clearly focused on gaining better access to Asian markets and promoting its commercial interests. Negotiations on bilateral free trade agreements with South Korea, ASEAN and India already started. A new policy towards China is in the making.
Where is Europe’s strategy heading? Is it effective? What are its opportunities, and where are its main risks and obstacles? How does it compare with the US new approach towards Asia? And what is the Asian perspective on the current changes? ECIPE’s conference “Stepping into Asia’s Growing Markets” will seek to address these issues. It is a first stock-taking of the EU’s policy trends and discussions on how to best move forward in the near future.
Presentations from the conference:
- The EU Trade Policy towards China by Patrick A. Messerlin and Jinghui Wang
EU-ASIA FTAs by Razeen Sally