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✉️ IIEA @iiea: 7 years on from the #Brexit vote we're continuing to analyse the impact of the UK's withdrawal from the #EU.
Join… EU is taking charge in regulating data and the digital economy, launching new regulations like the #DMA, #DSA,…'s talk about #AI regulations in the #EU!
It is important to understand and enhance the benefits, but also min…🎧 New global economy podcast episode!
We talk about the US trade policy and America's role in the world economic o…
Venue: Sofitel Brussels Europe, 1 Place Jourdan, 1040 Brussel Speakers: Jagdish Bhagwati, Professor at Columbia UniversitynAndré Sapir, Senior Fellow at Breugel and Professor at the ULBnJim Rollo,Professor at Sussex University Time: 14:30
Venue: Hotel Silken Berlaymont, Blvd Charlemagne 11-19, Brussels Speakers: John Bowis, Rapporteur for patients’ rights directive, European ParliamentnRobert Madelin, Director General, DG SANCOnOlivia Wigzell, Deputy Director General, Healthcare Division, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, SwedennMarkus Siebert, Chairman Economic Affairs Working Group & Senior Manager Reimbursement & Public Policy, St Jude Medical.nLucy Davis, Trade Policy Analyst, ECIPEnLior Herman, Research Associate, ECIPEnLuciano Cattani, Vice President EucomednFredrik Erixon, Director, ECIPEnGernot Pehnelt, Research Associate, ECIPE Time: 08:15
Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, Brussels Speakers: Fredrik Erixon, a Director and co-founder of ECIPE, will present a new ECIPE study on responses to economic crises Time: 12:00
Venue: ECIPE office, Rue Belliard 4-6 (7th Floor), 1040 Brussels. Speakers: Fredrik Erixon, Director of ECIPEnBrian Hindley, Senior Fellow of ECIPE Time: 12:00