ASEM: EU-Asia Economic Diplomacy in Uncertain Times
Following years of global recession, the world might be entering an era of de-globalisation and unravelling of past liberalisation. How can Europe and Asia revitalise their cooperation in these times?
ECIPE Seminar: Driving Forces for China’s Growth
With a growth rate of 6.9% during the first quarter, China's opening in 2017 was eye-catching. But has the Chinese economy really entered a new cycle?
Seminar: Going for Growth – How to Improve Europe’s Mobile and Telecom Eco-system?
Please join ECIPE and Istituto Bruno Leoni for a panel on Europe’s digital future – with perspectives from think tanks and business observers.
ECIPE Seminar: EU and Mercosur – A Conversation with Brazil’s Chief Negotiator of the EU Negotiations
The political signals on EU-Mercosur Association Agreement are suddenly positive. But what do they mean?
The 4th ECIPE-Korea Project International Workshop
Insights into Cultural Industries: New Approaches through Business and Economic Perspectives
ECIPE Seminar: Should there be Reforms of Standard Essential Patents?
Please join us for an expert discussion on the future of Standard Essential Patents.
Korea Project Seminar: What is the Reality of Copyrights in Cultural Industries?
ECIPE - Korea Project Discussion Series on Cultural Industries
ECIPE 10-Year Anniversary Reception
Time flies! It’s been 10 years since ECIPE was established and, for this occasion, we would like to invite you to come and have a celebratory drink with us!
Korea Project Seminar: Digitization in the Music Industry – Friend or Foe?
ECIPE - Korea Project Discussion Series on Cultural Industries
Korea Project Seminar: Do Subsidy Policies Really Help to Promote Film Industries?
ECIPE - Korea Project Discussion Series on Cultural Industries