(CHANGE OF VENUE) Public Money for Public Goods: Reforming the Common Agricultural Policy
Who will win and who will lose under the post-2013 CAP? Will those member states that benefit most from the current distribution of the CAP budget be able to defend their national envelopes? Or will eastern European countries manage to push through a European flat rate of farm support that could multiply their share of the CAP budget? Anticipating these distributional issues is crucial for future CAP reform – and the entire review of the EU budget. Even the most efficient reform proposal to promote the European interest will fail if it ignores national interests. Those countries that stand to increase their share of subsidy allocations need to be aware of this potential. Similarly, those confronted with a decreasing share need to acknowledge and accept this sacrifice in a reasoned debate ahead of the hectic final stages of negotiations.
Valentin Zahrnt assesses the criteria likely to guide future allocation of CAP subsidies, such as 2013 first and second pillar entitlements, GDP per capita, utilized agricultural and forest areas, and areas with Natura 2000 status. Drawing on these criteria, he estimates member states’ national envelopes under different post-2013 scenarios. This reveals surprising differences between the negotiating positions countries traditionally adopt and the subsidy allocations they can expect from reform.
You are invited to contribute your views at this lunch seminar in a relaxed and informal setting.
A light lunch will be served
Limited number of seats available.
RSVP before 15-06-2009 at info@ecipe.org