Free Trade, Free Speech: How Online Censorship Violates Trade Policy and Trade Rules
Online censorship is about to take centre stage in the campaign to improve conditions for human rights, cyber security and commercial freedom of exchange on the Internet. Online censorship may be a recent phenomenon, but it is spreading quickly, increasingly curtails online exchange and has transformed the use of censorship by governments.
Recent events –the successful “Facebook” revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt – demonstrate that the effects of censorship extend beyond national borders, and that censorship affects more than just the flow of information and media. Censorship and authoritarian control of the Internet has a cascading effect, impinging on national security, external relations with foreign powers, human rights and commerce. The question is: what can be done to stop it?
You are cordially invited to a lunch seminar – organized by ECIPE and the Office of MEP Christofer Fjellner – on online censorship and how trade policy can become an important tool combat it.