Webinar: EU Trade Policy for a Post-COVID World
This meeting is co-hosted by the Trade Experettes, ECIPE and Women in Trade Network in Brussels.
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted trade and increased tensions among countries, with some curbing exports and making efforts to repatriate supply chains. It is not clear whether these actions are temporary, or if they will have a lasting impact. This webinar looks ahead and asks what the European Union’s trade policy will look like in a post-COVID world? Can we reset the stage – and revitalize global trade after so much discord?
The European Union is now preparing a new EU trade policy strategy. There is much to cover. Current trade negotiations, the transatlantic relationship, Brexit, the fight against climate change, the multilateral investment court, and reform of the World Trade Organization as well as EU-China investment treaty negotiations are high on the agenda, but how will the EU balance all these priorities? What can it do to improve digital governance and spur cross-border digital integration – now that the pandemic will prompt many businesses to go digital? How will the EU continue to promote liberalization in an environment that is ever more hostile to trade? How can the governments ensure a level playing field for the private sector and speed up recovery after the crisis?
Join us for a timely discussion with Sabine Weyand, Director-General for Trade at the European Commission, Elena Bryan, Senior Fellow at ECIPE and former Senior Trade Representative at the U.S. Mission to the EU, and Luisa Santos, Deputy Director General at BusinessEurope.
The webinar will be moderated by Dr. Inu Manak, Research Fellow, the Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies at the Cato Institute.