ECIPE & UK Law Societies Seminar: The Multilateral Investment Court System
ECIPE and the UK Law Societies invite you to an debate on the proposed multilateral investment court (MIC) and its implications for the trading system.
Since the EU-Singapore FTA ruling on investment protection, the EU has established a new Investment Court System (ICS), departing from the traditional arbitration model.
The EU is working towards the objective to establish a permanent investment court, and recent concluded FTAs (both CETA with Canada and the EU-Vietnam FTA) include provisions anticipating the transition from the bilateral Investment Court System (ICS) to MIC.
- What is the relationship of the proposed system with the existing arbitration law and practice?
- What are the implications of moving from arbitration to a court setting?
- What are the consequences for the dispute settlement under the WTO, and are there any learnings thereof?
- What are the views of our counterparts?
- And will the EU succeed in establishing the MIC?
Hannah Ambrose, Member of the Law Society of England and Wales’ Trade in Legal Services Working Party, Professional Support Consultant, Herbert Smith Freehills
Edwin Vermulst, Founding Partner of VVGB, WTO DSB Panelist, Editor-in-Chief Journal of World Trade, ECIPE Advisory Board Member
Additional speakers TBC