ECIPE Seminar: How to Accelerate the Expansion of the Digital Economy?
Innovation and diffusion in the digital economy
The digital economy is Europe’s fastest growing economy. New technology and online services are spreading fast throughout the economy, exposing old structures to new competition. Yet, the digital economy could grow faster and Europe is generally not in the forefront of economic digitalisation. What factors are slowing down the expansion of the digital economy – and how can Europe make it grow faster?
09:10 Introduction
Panel I: Digital Opportunities, Digital Restrictions
Keynote – Fredrik Erixon
Massimiliano Trovato, Instituto Brunoe Leoni
Cécilie Philippe, Institut Economique Molinari
Martina Ferracane, Policy Analyst, ECIPE
10:30-10:45 Coffee/Tea
Panel II: What’s Holding the Digital Economy Back?
Keynote – Philippe Legrain
Alastair Reed, Policy Network
Richard Robert, Executive Editor, Paris Tech Review
12:00 Close