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ECIPE Seminar: The EU Fix: Will New Regulations and Institutional Reforms Prevent Future Crises?

November 27 2013
Venue: ECIPE, Rue Belliard 4-6, 1040 Brussels
Speakers: Leif Pagrotsky, Fredrik Erixon
Time: 14:30

The financial and Eurozone crises revealed institutional problems in the European Monetary Union and the design of financial regulations. And there has been considerable activity in the past years – in Europe and globally – to “fix” regulatory problems and create new structures to make the EMU safer. What are the consequences of these changes – have they made the EU better equipped to prevent new crises, and to address them more forcefully when they occur? Or are some of the regulatory and institutional reforms likely to create new rather than alleviate problems?

You are cordially invited to an ECIPE seminar on crisis-related reforms, featuring Leif Pagrotsky, an economist and former Cabinet Minister in Sweden, who will discuss his new paper Can Regulation, Supervision and Surveillance save Euroland? Fredrik Erixon, a Director at ECIPE, will talk about the new structures of monetary policy.

