ECIPE Seminar: The Costs of Data Localisation
In response to revelations on mass online surveillance by foreign intelligence services, several governments are moving to restrict the free flow of data across borders. Whereas previous restrictions on the Internet aimed at keeping data out, this new breed of regulation aims to keep data inside state borders. Data localisation, i.e. the requirement that companies store and process personal data within the country in which they were collected, is being considered by policy-makers around the globe.
As an increasing number of countries are considering data localisation, ECIPE has assessed the economic impact in a selected group of countries from data localisation measures and data and security privacy rules to similar effect.
· What is the importance of free cross-border data flows?
· What is the economic cost of data localisation?
· How should governments increase citizens’ online security?
ECIPE invites you to join the debate on how online privacy can be improved without damaging the global trading system. The meeting is followed by a wine reception.