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Browse Database
Restrictions on data


Since 2003

Chapter Data policies  |  Sub-chapter Administrative requirements on data privacy
Supervisor of Banks’ Regulation No. 357 on Information Technology Management
Under the Supervisor of Banks’ Regulation No. 357 on Information Technology Management, breach notification obligations apply in the financial sector.
Coverage Financial sector
Restrictions on data


Since 1981
Since May 2018

Chapter Data policies  |  Sub-chapter Administrative requirements on data privacy
Privacy Protection Act, 5741-1981

Privacy Regulations (Data Security), 5777-2017
Israel's Privacy Protection Act requires that public agencies, financial institutions and companies mainting five or more databases must appoint a data security officer. Addtionally, each database needs to have a “database manager”, who by default is the company’s CEO.

As of May 2018, the Privacy Regulations also require that the data security officer must be directly subordinate to the database manager, or to the manager of the entity that owns or holds the database, to ensure his/her independence.
Coverage Public and financial institutions, databases
Restrictions on data


Since May 2018

Chapter Data policies  |  Sub-chapter Administrative requirements on data privacy
Privacy Regulations (Data Security), 5777-2017
According to Israel's Privacy Regulations (Data Security) 5777-2017 at least once every 18 months the owners of high-level security databanks must conduct a survey of the databank’s data security, analyze the security risks, and correct the errors identified. Such owners are also responsible for testing the susceptibility of the databank systems to internal and external security risks.
Coverage Horizontal
Restrictions on data


Since 2001
Since May 2018

Chapter Data policies  |  Sub-chapter Restrictions on cross-border data flows
Protection of Privacy Regulations (Transfer of Information to Databases outside of the State's Boundaries), 2001

Privacy Regulations (Data Security), 5777-2017
The Protection of Privacy Regulations of 2001 permit transfers to: EU Member States; other signatories of Council of Europe Convention 108; and a country “which receives data from Member States of the European Community, under the same terms of acceptance”. Transfers to other countries are permitted:
- subject to data subject consent;
- from an Israeli corporate parent to a foreign subsidiary; or
- provided the data importer enters into a binding agreement with the data exporter to comply with Israeli legal standards concerning the storage and use of data.

Furthermore, the Privacy Protection Regulations (Data Security) 5777-2017 stipulate that engaging an outsourced data processing provider requires pre-engagement due-diligence review of the risks entailed in the engagement. The contractual engagement shall address issues such as the purposes for which the data will be used, the type of data processing to be performed, the period of engagement and return of the data upon conclusion of the engagement.
Coverage Horizontal
Establishment restrictions


Since 1991

Chapter Business mobility  |  Sub-chapter Quotas, Labour Market Tests, Limits of Stay
Foreign Workers Law 5751-1991, Article 1 (13)
There are labour market tests for intra-corporate transferees (ICT), contractual service suppliers (CSS) as well as independent service suppliers (ISS). Moreover, ISS must show a special relationship with Israel. Executive managers are exempted from labour market test in GATS.
Coverage Horizontal
  • OECD: Foreign Workers Law 5751-1991, Article 1 (13)
Establishment restrictions


Chapter Competition policy  |  Sub-chapter Competition
Local-loop unbundling
The Israel telecom sector is liberalized and competition rules apply. However, the original incumbent (Bezeq), controls the copper-based last mile. Yet, it is obliged by law to unbundle.
Coverage Telecommunication sector
Establishment restrictions


Reported in 2013

Chapter Intellectual Property Rights  |  Sub-chapter Copyright
Copyright inadequately enforced
It is reported that the Israeli government does not consider unauthorized use of software by enterprises to be a crime in Israel. For deterrence, the industry must rely on the possibility of compensatory or statutory damages. However, according to the International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA), no court has ever awarded the maximum statutory damage award of NIS100,000 (approx. 27,000 USD).
Coverage Software
Establishment restrictions


Since 2007

Chapter Intellectual Property Rights  |  Sub-chapter Copyright
Copyright Act (2007)
The Copyright Act (2007) replaced the doctrine of fair dealing with that of fair use, thus providing a more flexible approach to copyright exceptions. Moreover, the Trade Policy Review report clarifies that the manner in which the 2007 Act is drafted "could support the interpretation that fair use is a permitted use and not merely a defense".
Coverage Horizontal
Establishment restrictions


Reported in 2016

Chapter Investment  |  Sub-chapter Restrictions on board of directors and managers
Residency requirement
According to the OECD, in Israel the chair of the board of directors of Israeli corporations must be a resident of Israel.
Coverage Horizontal
Establishment restrictions


Chapter Investment  |  Sub-chapter Restrictions on board of directors and managers
Residency requirement
According to the OECD, in Israel 75% of the board of directors in fixed domestic licensed communications companies must be Israeli citizens and residents. In the case of mobile phone and international communications services, the nationality and residency requirements apply to the majority of board members.
Coverage Telecommunication sector
Establishment restrictions


Since 1982

Chapter Investment  |  Sub-chapter Restrictions on ownership
Section 6H2 of the Telecommunications and Broadcasting Law 1982
In Israel, restrictions apply to international fixed telecommunication services (up to 74% foreign equity participation is allowed) and wireless telecommunications services (up to 80% foreign equity participation).
Coverage Telecommunication sector
Fiscal Restrictions


Since April 2014

Chapter Public Procurement  |  Sub-chapter Preferential purchase schemes covering digital products and services
WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
Although Israel is a signatory to the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), its coverage schedules do not include "telecommunications related services" (CPC 754), which is an important service sector for digital trade.
Coverage Telecommunication sector
Fiscal Restrictions


Reported in May 2013

Chapter Public Procurement  |  Sub-chapter Preferential purchase schemes covering digital products and services
Public procurement policies
Israeli tendering regulations allow for price preferences to local suppliers. Domestic suppliers with a domestic content of at least 35% are eligible for up to 15% price preference in all international tenders (except for tenders covered by the WTO Agreement on Public Procurement).
Coverage Horizontal
  • WTO Trade Policy Review Report by the Secretariat, Israel, Document WT/TPR/S/272/Rev.1, 8 May 2013
Fiscal Restrictions


Reported in April 2008, amended in November 2009.

Chapter Public Procurement  |  Sub-chapter Preferential purchase schemes covering digital products and services
Domestic preference
Reportedly, Israel grants preferences to domestic Israeli bidders and applies offset provisions. Israel has offset requirements that it implements through international cooperation (IC) agreements. Under IC agreements, foreign companies are required to offset government contracts by agreeing to invest in local industry, co-develop or co-produce with local companies, subcontract to local companies or purchase from the Israeli industry. Since January 2009, the IC agreements offset percentage for procurements covered by Israel’s obligations from the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA) has been 20% of the value of the contract. For procurement which is excluded from GPA coverage, the offset is 35%, while for military procurement the offset is 50%.
Coverage Horizontal
Fiscal Restrictions


Reported in April 2016

Chapter Taxation & Subsidies  |  Sub-chapter Discriminatory tax regime on online services
Draft circular regarding internet activity of foreign companies in Israel
In April 2016, the Israeli Tax Authority published a draft circular proposing a change to its VAT legislation which would oblige foreign tech firms to register in Israel to account for VAT on digital services sold to consumers.
Coverage Digital services