Digital Trade Estimates Project
DTE Database
The Digital Trade Estimates (DTE) database is a comprehensive database entirely dedicated to digital trade policy. It includes measures covering 64 economies worldwide, which are classified into several areas of analysis and four broad clusters:
- Fiscal restrictions: Tariffs and trade defence, taxation and subsidies, public procurement;
- Establishment restrictions: Foreign investment, IPR, competition policy, business mobility;
- Restrictions on data: Data policies, intermediary liability, content access;
- Trading restrictions: Quantitative trade restrictions; standards; online sales and transactions.
DTRI Index
The Digital Trade Restrictiveness Index (DTRI) is based on the information available in the DTE database. Each country is assigned a score from zero (fully open) to 1 (virtually closed) based on the trade restrictiveness of its digital trade policies. The index allows to easily visualise the overall digital trade environment in the countries as well as how countries rank in each of the policy areas covered.
Email Us
European Centre for International Political Economy(ECIPE)
Avenue des Arts 40
1040 Brussels
Phone: +32(0)2 289 1350