DIE PERFEKTE PR-SCHLACHT – So erfolgreich arbeitet das Netzwerk der TTIP-Gegner
Matthias Bauer's findings on anit-TTIP campaign work published by DIE WELT
Wissmann zu TTIP
German automotive industry president Matthias Wissmann refers to ECIPE study when calling on German politics to stand up for TTIP
So arbeitet das Netzwerk der TTIP-Gegner
Matthias Bauer's findings presented by WELT
La multa de Bruselas a España despierta recelo entre los expertos
Matthias Bauer comments in La Vanguardia on the EU's gesture to fine Portugal and Spain for breaching EU fiscal rules (in Spanish)
Privacy trap awaits EU-US data-sharing pact
Duncan Robinson of the FT quotes forthcoming ECIPE study on Privacy Shield
Historic Pacific Rim trade accord puts pressure on EU for US deal
Matthias Bauer comments on TPP and the need for Europe to conclude TTIP in the London Times (subscription required)
Strange bedfellows unite to fight TTIP – but will it work?
Matthias Bauer quoted in The Conversation on TTIP and resistance movements
TTIP: lobby or not lobby?
Matthias Bauer's research discussed by Albane Flamant's article on the influence of the civil society in the ongoing TTIP negotiations between Europe and the US
‘Türkiye’ye Sermaye Akışı Sürecek’
Matthias Bauer comments on investment opportunities in Turkey.
No Clear View of How the Eurozone Will Weather Crisis
Matthias Bauer comments on SputnikNews on the recent market turmoil in China and its potential economic impact on the Eurozone.