Latest Publications
Liberalising Air Passenger Services in APEC
This working paper aims at assessing the prospects for a more liberal air passenger transport regime in the Asia Pacific region under the auspices of...
The Basel Capital Adequacy Framework should be Reconsidered
The Basel capital adequacy framework that has guided bank regulation and supervision for nearly 20 years deserves serious attention when the world...
Liberalising Air Transport Services in APEC
This draft working paper represents work in progress aimed at assessing the prospects for a more liberal air passenger transport regime in the Asia...
European Financial Supervision in an Age of Growing Financial Integration: The Current Situation and the Outlook for Reform
This paper will first discuss how the current configuration EU financial market and supervision evolved in its historical setting. The paper will...
Should China Revalue its Currency? Lessons from the Japanese Experience
There is a similarity of pattern between the present international pressures for RMB revaluation and pressures which were exerted on Japan in the...
Institutions and Intellectual Property Reform in Developing Countries
The years since 1990 have witnessed an international wave of reform and institutional change with respect to intellectual property rights (IPRs),...
The Health of Nations: Conceptualizing Approaches to Trade in Health Care
The forces of the Wealth of nations are not at work for the Health of nations. Economic and trade integration have progressed over the last fifty...
Sweden – From Free Trade to Protectionism?
Sweden has been one of the leading voices for freer trade in the post-war era. Its support for the multilateral trading system has been strong. Today...
Promoting Tokyo as an International Financial Center
Japan’s economic power is widely recognized worldwide—thanks to it being the worlds 2nd largest economy (US$4.3 trillion equivalent GDP in 2006)...
Modal Estimates of Services Barriers
This paper presents improved approaches to measurement of services barriers by using alternative weighting methods and improved econometric...