Latest Publications
The Trade Consequences of Brexit: How I See the Situation
The trade consequences of Brexit are just one element of the overall withdrawal exercise to be triggered by a notification under Article 50 TEU....
Demystifying Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS)
Investor-State Dispute Settlement, a legal provision in Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITs) or other International Investment Agreements that gives...
Nowhere To Go? Surveillance, Privacy Rules and Trade Talks
This policy brief outlines the chronology of the developments since Edward Snowden leaked the documents on large-scale electronic surveillance,...
Trade and Development at the Crossroads?
This paper seeks to look at EU Trade and Development policies which seem to be at a crucial moment - crucial in the sense of the point at which the...
How to Revive Doha with Some Chance of Success
This Policy Brief concerns the troubled state of the Doha Round. The classical model for a multilateral trade negotiation (as developed from the GATT...
Are Developing Countries Deterred from Using the WTO Dispute Settlement System?
The data issued by the WTO Secretariat on disputes shows that ‘developing countries’ have participated in one-third of the cases 1995-2005. The...