Europa aparca la transición ‘verde’ y apuesta por la competitividad: “El mundo nos mira diciendo ‘sí, vosotros seguid con los coches eléctricos'”
Oscar Guinea comments in El Mundo about Europe's quest for higher...
Starkt eller svagt: vilket Europa vill vi ha?
Fredrik Erixon talks about the EU falling behind the US and China in a conference organised by Frivärld via...
Life science i fokus på EU-seminarium
Fredrik Erixon participates in an event organised by Lif on EU lagging behind the US in life sciences and Sweden's opportunities to grow in the...
European Council Think Tank Review – May 2024
Two ECIPE studies are featured in the Think Tank Review of May 2024 curated by the European...
Européennes 2024 : entre Gabriel Attal et Jordan Bardella, des imprécisions et des contrevérités
The study "If the EU was a State in the United States: Comparing Economic Growth between EU and US States" by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and...
The EU’s Productivity Performance: Falling Behind the Curve
Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar du Roy write an article for the EconPol Forum 03/2024 Journal from CESifo based on their study "Keeping Up...
From 25 to 100: New Tariffs on Chinese EVs
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama participates in an event looking at the new 100% tariff on Chinese EVs, and what that may mean for the U.S. and global EV...
TikTok suspended in New Caledonia: What does EU law say?
The Policy Brief "Keeping Up with the US: Why Europe's Productivity is Falling Behind" written by Fredrik Erixon, Oscar Guinea and Oscar du Roy is...
Analyysi: Ehdotus jäädytetyistä varoista kertoo, että Yhdysvallat varautuu Venäjän pitkään eristämiseen
Fredrik Erixon comments on the potential effects of the use of Russia's frozen funds as collateral for a loan to support Ukraine on the...