Rocky road lies ahead in trade pact talks
Fredrik Erixon comments in the Financial Times an EU-US trade...
欧美自贸谈判影响深远但异常艰难 [Far-reaching impact of EU/US FTA negotiations, despite exceptional difficulties]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed by People's Daily (two...
EU, US clear way for game-changing trade deal
Fredrik Erixon comments on the transatlantic free trade talks in...
欧盟与美国决定启动自贸协定谈判 [EU decides to start FTA negotiations with the US]
Hosuk Lee-Makiyama interviewed by Xinhua, republished in several major Chinese news...
Progress on EU-US Deal
Fredrik Erixon comments in New Europe transatlantic free trade...
A big year for transatlantic ties?
ECIPE study quoted in...
EU-US Trade Pact on the Cards
The Hindu quotes ECIPE study on EU-US...
Reasons to be optimistic about the US – and more pessimistic about the EU and China
Razeen Sally opines in Weekend FT, Sri...
Trans-Atlantic Trade Stimulus
WSJ comments study by Fredrik...
A Conversation on the Prospects of an EU-US Free Trade Agreement
Peter Chase, Senior European Representative at the US Chamber of Commerce in Brussels, and Hosuk Lee-Makiyama, Director of the European Centre for...