How to make trade policy cool (again) on social media?
Lucian Cernat*, Chief Trade Economist, European Commission A recent LSE blog points out that economists, unlike other social scientists, are bad communicators. That's probably true. Although,...
How to prepare for the next anti-free trade campaign?
The recent anti-free trade campaigns are one example of a changing political environment. By trying to block the CETA and TTIP negotiations, NGOs and citizens’ initiatives have now become part of...
Trade is here to stay.
In a time of rising protectionism and emerging trade wars, it is crucial that supporters of free trade raise their voices. We need to create a new narrative that addresses concerns and makes our case...
Fake News and How to Use Twitter in a Meaningful Way for Policy Debates: Lessons from the European Commission’s “Digital Tax” Campaign
Are the EU’s institutions superior to national administrations in formulating policies on the basis of data, facts and empirical evidence? Or are they equally prone to ideological impulses and...
‘This is not a Love Song’
By Bernard Kuiten, Head of External Relations at the World Trade Organization Johnny Rotten, Sex Pistols's former frontman sang this in 1983. It's a spot-on description of the mood between...
Why Trade-NOW?
Up until now, the debate about trade has been one-sided: It was mainly one side, which dominated the headlines and captured the hearts and minds of the public and stakeholders. As a result, the...
L’insoutenable légèreté de la décision de l’Institut Français de Séoul en Corée : La disparition de la Médiathèque à Séoul
« C’est avec beaucoup d’humilité que je viens aujourd’hui dans ce lieu essayer de vous parler de francophonie ». Si je reprends, avec encore plus d’humilité, cette première phrase du...
The WTO is a disaster. Really?
Dear Mr President, I have heard that you called the World Trade Organisation (WTO) “a disaster for America”, and would like to suggest with all due respect that you have been reading the...
Brexit: The Marginal Effects of EU Agricultural Subsidies on UK Trade
Although it is yet unclear when exactly and under which conditions, but the UK will eventually leave the Single Market. Several studies have therefore assessed the expected impacts of reintroduced...
US Import Tariffs on Steel Threaten the US Economy
Two weeks ago, the US Department of Commerce released its long-awaited Section 232 reports on steel and aluminum. The reports presented the US Department of Commerce’s findings that imports of...