EU-China Commercial Relations
Presentation at the Chinese Mission to the EU, 11 December...
Trade and Climate Change: What Now?
Presentation to the ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy, May...
European models for access to health care
Presentation held in Berlin, October 31,...
Russia and Energy Security: The Role of Competition for External Energy Policy
Presentation at Sciences Po, May...
EU FTAs in the context of EU trade policy
Conference Jan 11, 2008 - Observer Research Fondation, New...
EU Trade Patterns and the Role of Turkey
Presentation at IKV/Yeditepe in May...
The untold story of globalisation and the price of an Electrolux vacuum cleaner
Presentation for Electrolux, June 12,...
A Transatlantic Zero-Tariff Agreement
Presentation in Brussels October 5,...
Development Aid: Analysis, Critique, Direction
Presentation at the Templeton Foundation, June 30,...
Reforming IPRs in Europe
Presentation at ECIPE IPR...