An EU era of heightened security: What role for the future Cohesion Policy?
The study "EU autonomy, the Brussels effect, and the rise of global economic protectionism" by Matthias Bauer, Dyuti Pandya is referenced in European Policy Centre Discussion Paper
Green-Taping the Single Market: Walling-Off or gates to sustainable globalization?
ECIPE study by Matthias Buaer and Dyuti Pandya "EU Autonomy, the Brussels Effect, and the Rise of Global Economic Protectionism" referenced in a Friedrich Naumann Foundtaion policy brief.
European Council Think Tank Review – April 2024
Two ECIPE studies are featured in the Think Tank Review of April 2024 curated by the European Council.
Export controls harm US suppliers
Matthias Bauer and Dyuti Pandya's latest policy brief "Time to Rethink Export Controls for Strengthened US-EU Cooperation and Global Trade Rules" is mentioned in Hinrich Foundation's "What are we Reading?".
Discussion on improving Europe’s competitiveness
CEP blog about the event co-organised with ECIPE on April 8th, 2024.
European Council Think Tank Review – March 2024
Three ECIPE studies featured in March 2024 Tank Review curated by European Council
Openness as Strength: The Win-Win in EU-US Digital Services Trade
ECIPE study "Openness as Strength: The Win-Win in EU-US Digital Services Trade" highlighted in the weekly newsletter What's Up EU?
The case for the WTO. (No, really.)
The paper "EU Autonomy, the Brussels Effect, and the Rise of Global Economic Protectionism" written by Matthias Bauer and Dyuti Pandya is referenced in the Financial Times' Trade Secrets Newsletter.
EU Autonomy, the Brussels Effect, and the Rise of Global Economic Protectionism
ECIPE study "EU Autonomy, the Brussels Effect, and the Rise of Global Economic Protectionism" highlighted in the weekly newsletter What's Up EU?
Navigating the New World Order: EU’s Strategic Interdependence in Digital and Green Economies
The conversation that Matthias Bauer and José Ignacio Torreblanca had during our webinar "EU Strategic Interdependence and How to Revitalise the WTO" gets referenced in an article from BNN Breaking that looks into the concept of Strategic Interdependence.