Watum es besser keine Digitalsteuer gibt
Matthias Bauer interviewed by Meinungsbarometer on the EU's Digital Services Tax initiative....
EU-wide digital services tax could make system worse, warns pan-European think-tanks
Matthias Bauer's study discussed by CITY...
Online platforms and the future of European integration: why they deliver on what EU governments fail to achieve
Matthias Bauer writes about online platforms and the future of European...
Digitalsteuer: Wirtschaftspopulismus unter dem Deckmantel fairer Besteuerung?
Matthias Bauer writes about the EU Commission's political campaign for a digital tax (in...
Digital taxes or fair taxation: what do policymakers really want?
Matthias Bauer writes about the EU policymakers idea of a digital tax on companies operating in the...
TTIP: Unheilige Allianzen und gefährliche Geheimnisse
Matthias Bauer's article about Anti-TTIP Campaigning in Germany in TREND, the German journal on Social Market...
Anti-TTIP-Proteste in Deutschland: “Professionelle Desinformationskampagnen”
Matthias Bauer interviewed by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, the political foundation of Germany's liberal party...
Time to challenge (German-based) anti-TTIP propaganda organisations
Matthias Bauer writes on Esharp! about anti-TTIP campaigning in Germany and the...
Digital agenda remedies do not cure the EU’s single market disease
Matthias Bauer writes about legal barriers to digital business models in the offline world in...
EU-US Safe Harbour and forced data localisation: lessons from Russia (extended)
Matthias Bauer writes about data localisation and Safe Harbour in...