Overcoming Barriers: How the EU Can Improve Trade Finance Access for Neighbouring Countries
Fourth paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the relationships between the European Union (EU) and its neighbouring countries in financial services, with a particular focus on trade finance.
Beyond Barriers: Rethinking CAP to Enable Agricultural Export Diversity in the EU Neighbourhood
Third paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the EU’s agricultural trade relations with its neighbours.
The Extraterritorial Impact of EU Digital Regulations: How Can the EU Minimise Adverse Effects for the Neighbourhood?
Second paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung under the "Sovereign Europe: Strategic Management of Global Interdependence" project focusing on the effects of EU Digital Regulation.
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and Its Border Effects: How Can Europe Become a Better Neighbour?
First paper crafted in collaboration with Bertelsmann Stiftung focusing on CBAM.
New Regulations in Europe’s Digital Economy: Design, Structure, Trade and Economic Effects
ECIPE report on EU digital regulations published by the Confederations of Swedish Enterprise
Are Services Sick? How Going Digital Can Cure Services Performance
Services make up the lion share of modern developed economies. But their productivity developments have often been lagging. In this study, we investigate first whether increased digitalisation can actually improve productivity developments in the services sector and conclude that indeed it has strong effects. In a second step, we look into the factors driving digitalisation in the services sector. As a rule, the more competitive a sector is, the more likely it is to adopt digital technologies to improve its productivity.
The value of market access and national treatment commitments in services trade agreements
Philipp Lamprecht is co-author of this OECD Trade Policy Paper (No.213) which analyses the value of market access and national treatment commitments for services in the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and in 95 regional trade agreements (RTAs)
Boosting Trade in Services in the Digitalisation Era
Study by the European Centre of International Political Economy commissioned by the Bertelsmann Stiftung
Bargaining power in multilateral trade negotiations: Canada and Japan in the Uruguay Round and Doha Development Agenda
Philipp Lamprecht develops and applies a theoretical framework of bargaining power in international trade negotiations via a comparative analysis of the negotiation profiles of Canada and Japan in the Uruguay Round and Doha Development Agenda